The Zodiac Legacy 3: Balance of Power

"This book was really complex and really fun to read at the same time....a really good conclusion that ties up all the loose ends and answers all the questions." -Kids' BookBuzz

I'm proud of this third volume. Stan, Andie, and I managed to keep the action moving almost nonstop, while keeping the focus on Steven Lee and his friends. Kids still come up to me, even at more adult-centered comic conventions, to talk about these books.

Official Copy: Steven Lee always thought that having superpowers would make him happy, make life easier, and make everything more fun. He was wrong. Steven, now 16 years old, has spent years living with the power of the Tiger. But now, on the edge of a catastrophe that could destroy not only Steven and his super powered friends, but every Zodiac in the world, Steven will have to decide just how far he'll go to protect those closest to him. Stan Lee, Stuart Moore, and Andie Tong bring the earth-shaking conclusion to The Zodiac Legacy!